
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Brief Sharing~

Note: This was originally written in grammatically heinous Chinese for the Taiwanese youth group. I've taken liberties with the English version 'cause otherwise nothing would make sense and/or just sound really chinky. That's right. I said chinky. 'cause that's what it sounds like.

分享:今年的跨年法流班真的太棒了! 其實我也不知道如何形容,是一種無法用語言表達或頭腦去分析的殊勝。好多之前過不去了的關一下就過了,很多卡一下就化 。
Sharing: The 2012-2013 New Year class was fucking fantastic! Actually I'm not quite sure how to describe it, it's like a sort of indescribable or un-analyzable amazingness. So many issues that had been so difficult to overcome were dissolved in an instant; so many obstacles instantly transformed.
It's as though I just needed to acknowledge, observe, and be willing to change, and it would take care of itself. And this process kept happening faster and faster. I also learned a lot of super-useful stuff! Yep. Random sentence is random. Just disregard it.
充滿光會到滾滾紅塵不像往年馬上掉回原本的樣子,可以繼續用上班會中所得到的資源,方法。人事鏡物的很多方面也變得超順! 之前完全無法想像會發生這種事!
Unlike previous years, after returning to my everyday life/the mortal world I didn't immediately fall back into my old routine and habits; instead, it was like I could continue to use all those resources and things I learned in the class. A lot of daily minutiae became very easy to manage. This sort of thing had never happened before!
It's like that energy you get while attending the class continues into your everyday life. Every day I could, and still can, connect to that sort of happiness, that feeling of being filled with hope, confidence/trust, appreciation, joyousness while still being stabilized and calm. Working on my issues has also become fun and interesting instead of super-shitty like something I have to do otherwise shit's gonna just keep being shitty. Yeah, it used to really suck.
好感謝這次參班的每一位伙伴,每一位護持者,讓我們有機會參這個班會。感謝老師慈悲的帶領,老師的法真的太棒了! 鼓勵各位伙伴有機會一定要播出時間去參今年的法流班。ヽ(^o^)丿
I'm super-grateful for every person in the class and everyone who's supported me on this journey thus far. I'm also thankful for Laoshi's compassionate (read: SUPER-PATIENT. If I were him I'da flipped a shit ages ago xD) guidance, these methods are fucking fantastic. If you guys get a chance you should definitely make the time to go to the classes this year. [emoticon of happiness]

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